Esther Mertens

| 187 General Discussion Publication list Papers in this dissertation Mertens, E. C. A., Deković, M., Van Londen, M., & Reitz, E. (2018). The Effectiveness of Rock and Water in Improving Students’ Socio-Emotional Adjustment and Social Safety: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Psychology, 6, https:// Mertens, E. C. A., Deković, M., Van Londen, M., Nye, E., & Reitz, E. Solid as a Rock, Flexible as Water? Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention Addressing Students’ Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Domains. Submitted for publication. Mertens, E. C. A., Deković, M., Van Londen, M., & Reitz, E. Personality as a Moderator of Intervention Effects of a School-Based Intervention. Submitted for publication. Mertens, E. C. A., Deković, M., Van Londen, M., & Reitz, E. The Role of Classmates’ Modeling and Reinforcement in a Universal School-Based Intervention Addressing Positive Peer Relations. Submitted for publication. Mertens, E. C. A., Deković, M., Leijten, P., Van Londen, M., & Reitz, E. What to Do or Not to Do to Stimulate Students’ Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Domains: Meta-Analysis of School-Based Intervention Components. Submitted for publication. Other papers Mertens, E. C. A., Deković, M., Asscher, J. J., & Manders, W. A. (2017). Heterogeneity in response during Multisystemic Therapy: Exploring subgroups and predictors. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 1285-1295. Reitz, E., Mertens, E. C. A., Van Londen, M., & Deković, M., (2019). Veranderingen in sociale veiligheid, competentiebeleving en depressieve gevoelens van basisschoolkinderen die aan het interventieprogramma Rots enWater deelnemen: Een vergelijkingsstudie. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 49, 38-57. 7