Esther Mertens

32 | Chapter 2 Conditions Rock andWater. The R&W program is based on the theory of ‘the Rock and Water house’ (Figure 2). According to this theory there are five levels of the house (themes) that are discussed during the intervention: Safety, assertiveness, social skills, intuition, and spirituality. During the theme safety, feeling safe at home, at school and in society is discussed. Safety is important for students’ development and to find their own way. With the theme assertiveness students learn to deal with difficult situations without losing self-control. The third level social skills emphasizes the importance of communication in our contemporary, multicultural society. Intuition is discussed to make students aware of their preferences and choices, made by intuition, that are determinants for their lives based on their qualities, talents and possibilities. The roof of the house (fifth level) is spirituality. In this theme students learn to follow their own path and gain insight in themselves. The foundation of the R&W house is built on three pillars: Self-control, self- reflection, and self-esteem. The R&W theory states that acquiring these three skills forms the basis for further development concerning the five themes. By learning to control and direct their energy (self-control), students are able to reflect on their behavior and the consequences (self-reflection). Knowing that they can control, reflect upon and potentially change their actions, students’ self-esteem increases; they know what they are capable of and what they want. Figure 2. The Rock and Water house.