Esther Mertens

| 41 Study Protocol Supplementary Material Table 2 Overview of Concepts, Instruments, Measurement Waves and Informants Concept Instrument Measurement Informant Pre1 Int 1 Post1 Pre2 Int 1 Post2 Follow-up St T P Socio-emotional adjustment Psychosocial wellbeing YSR/CBCL/TRF X X X X X X X X X X KIDSCREEN-27 X X X X X X X X X X Sexual autonomy Items from “sex under 25” X X X X X X X X Resilience CD-RISC 10 X X X X X X X X X X Social safety Perceived social security in classroom Classroom Peer Context Questionnaire X X X X X X X X X Aggression REPRO X X X X X X X X X Bullying Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire X X X X X X Sociometric nomination X X X X X X Moderators Gender, ethnicity Developed for this study X X X X Education Developed for this study X X Training and supervision Developed for this study X X X Competence Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy X X X X X Expertise Developed for this study X X Treatment adherence Developed for this study X X X Observation 2 X X Personality Quick Big Five ­ 3 X X X X Parental sense of competent PSI X X Positive parenting CBQ X X Mediators Self-control Self-control Scale X X X X X X X X Delayed discounting X X X X X X Self-reflection SRIS X X X X X X X X Self-esteem Self-perception profile X X X X X X X X Emotion regulation DERS X X X X X X X X Deviant and prosocial communication Adjusted Peer Interaction Task X X X Note. Pre1 = premeasurement year 1; Int = interim measurements; Post1 = post-measurement year 1; Pre2 = premeasurement year 2; Post2 = post-measurement year 2; St = student; T = teacher (non-trainer or trainer); P = parent. 1 Interim questionnaires are shortened and only completed by the students. 2 Observation of treatment adherence will be conducted by an R&W expert. 3 Parents complete the Quick Big Five at pre1, students at pre2. 2