Esther Mertens

| 67 Effectiveness of a Psychophysical Intervention Supplementary material Table S1 . Standardized Slopes of Trajectories of the Conditions Light Standard Plus Control slope SE p slope SE p slope SE p slope SE p Intrapersonal domain Psychological wellbeing .08 ** 1.13 .947 -.12 1.43 .935 -.26 1.46 .860 -.25 1.07 .812 Resilience .55 .75 .462 .61 .63 .328 .52 .69 .449 .63 .78 .416 Sexual autonomy 1 .73 ** .62 .240 .50 .61 .408 .50 .65 .446 .32 .63 .613 Internalizing behavior 1 -.60 **a .57 .289 -.53 * .61 .382 -.32 .57 .571 -.41 77 .594 Interpersonal domain Interpersonal relations in the class -1.64 † 1.00 .102 -1.71 .96 .074 -1.93 1.05 .067 -2.03 1.22 .096 Externalizing behavior -.05 .30 .860 -.04 .61 .947 .03 .24 .894 .03 .25 .908 Aggression .09 * 1.14 .940 .31 .55 .568 .54 .90 .548 .56 .90 .530 Bullying 2.34 † 1.83 .203 1.65 1.36 .225 - 3 - - 2.80 1.67 .093 Victimization .29 .74 .695 .37 1.17 .750 1.02 3.83 .790 .80 7.08 .910 Secondary outcomes Self-control 1 1.75 ** .73 .017 1.51 .78 .050 1.44 .74 .051 1.44 .76 .056 Self-reflection 2 .46 .55 .407 .44 .66 .503 .54 .59 .362 .43 .56 .444 Self-esteem -1.68 † 1.27 .187 -2.13 1.38 .122 -1.98 1.04 .056 -2.58 1.48 .081 Emotional self-regulation .24 ** .82 .769 .10 1.15 .934 -.18 1.30 .893 -.10 1.01 .919 Note . a slopes differ significantly; † p < .10 * p < .05 ** p < .01 3