Govert Veldhuijzen

128 Chapter 6 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL CHAPTER 6 In the following pages supplemental data is provided, as referred to in chapter 6. Overview all input and output parameters for the four trial sites. Table 1s. Input parameters in cost model Baseline parameters Trial site 1 (urban) Trial site 2 (academic) Trial site 3 (urban) Trial site 4 (rural) Number of colonoscopies per annum 7000 3500 5000 4000 Average monthly income for auxiliary staff (wages based on average years of experience) € 2.529,00 € 2.655,00 € 2.343,00 € 2.163,00 Calculated salary costs per minute* € 0,35 € 0,37 € 0,32 € 0,30 Average monthly income for endoscopy nurses (wages based on average years of experience) € 3.052,00 € 3.179,00 € 3.052,00 € 2.719,00 Calculated salary costs per minute* € 0,42 € 0,44 € 0,42 € 0,37 Average monthly income for gastroenterologists (wages based on average years of experience) € 8.513,00 € 8.101,00 € 7.280,00 € 7.688,00 Calculated salary costs per minute* € 1,05 € 1,00 € 0,90 € 0,95 *Calculated salary costs per minute assumes 36 hours of work per week. Including social taxes, pension withholds, 8% holiday pay and 8.3% fixed year-end bonus.