Govert Veldhuijzen

139 Virtual reality distraction for patients to relieve pain and discomfort during colonoscopy Baseline characteristics No significant differences were observed in the baseline characteristics of the two groups, i.e., gender (55.6 % women in the control group, versus 60% women in the intervention group), age (median, 64, versus 65 years), level of education, RAND-36, previous colonoscopy, and prior experience with VR. (Table 1.) Procedure characteristics There were no differences in procedural characteristics. The time to reach the cecum (median 10.48 minutes in the control group, versus 6.83 minutes in the intervention group), time to complete procedure (median 21.20 minutes in the control group, versus 22.60 minutes in the intervention group), and completed colonoscopies (100% in the control group, versus 90% in the intervention group) were well comparable in both groups. (Table 2.) Figure 2. Study Flowchart Figure 2. Flowchart trial Included patients at outpatients clinic: 24 Randomised allocation Randomised to control group: 12 Excluded due to cancellation: 1 Randomised to Virtual Reality group: 12 Baseline questionnaire control group 11 Baseline questionnaire Virtual Reality group: 12 Pre-procedural questionnaire anxiety and pain control group: 9 Pre-procedural questionnaire anxiety and pain Virtual Reality group: 10 Excluded due to cancellation: 1 Unplanned hospital admission: 1 Total: 2 Excluded due to cancellation: 1 Technical problems: 1 Total: 2 Colonoscopy with Virtual Reality (observed by research team): 10 Colonoscopy without Virtual Reality (observed by research team): 9 Analysed: 10 Analysed: 9 7