Govert Veldhuijzen

141 Virtual reality distraction for patients to relieve pain and discomfort during colonoscopy the control group were rated comfortable, versus 4 patients (40%) in the intervention group). No significant difference was observed between the median anxiety score prior to the procedure (49 in the control group, versus 48.5 in the intervention group). The median baseline anxiety score (trait) was similar in the intervention group compared to the control group (29 in the control group, versus 35 in the intervention group). The median anxiety score increased after the procedure (50 and 50). Table 2. Procedure characteristics Control (non VR) (n=9) Intervention (VR) (n=10) P value Dose Midazolam, in mg* 2.5 [2.5;3] min 2; max 3.75 2.5 [2.38;3] min 2.5; max 3 0.842† Dose Alfentanil, in mg* 0.25 [0.25;0.50] min 0.25; max 0.50 0.25 [0.25;0.5] min 0.25; max 0.50 0.278† Completed colonoscopies % (n) 100 (9) 90 (9) 1.000‡ Patient acceptance of VR glasses % (n) n/a 100 (10) n/a Time to reach the cecum, in minutes* 10.48 [8.65;13.80] min 6.10; max 19.00 6.83 [5.75;10.77] min 2.66; max 11.92 0.094† Time to complete procedure, in minutes* 21.20 [19.72;35.15] min 19.18; max 44.07 22.60 [16.25;25.45] min 9.95; max 26.43 0.340† *Variables are denoted as median [inter quartile range], as are minimum and maximum. †Mann- Whitney U test. ‡ Fisher’s Exact test. Table 3. Pain, patient comfort and anxiety results Control (non VR) (n=9) Intervention (VR) (n=10) P value Pain score (pre procedure) * 0 [0;3] 0 [0;1.75] 0.968† Pain score (during procedure) * 3 [1;4] 3 [1.5;5.5] 0.661† Gloucester comfort scale % (n) 0.699#  Comfortable 44.4 (4) 40 (4)  Minimal 44.4 (4) 30 (3)  Mild 11.1 (1) 20 (2)  Moderate 0 (0) 0 (0)  Severe 0 (0) 10 (1) STATE (Pre procedure) * 49 [48;50] 48.5 [45.75;50.25] 0.497† TRAIT* 29 [21;36.5] 35 [28;41.5] 0.156† STATE (Post procedure) * 50 [48;52.5] 50 [47.75;51.25] 0.549† *Variables are denoted as median [inter quartile range]. † Mann-Whitney U test. ‡ Fisher’s Exact test. # Chi-square test. 7