Govert Veldhuijzen

181 Discussion and future perspectives Insurance companies should provide well-funded innovation platforms to expedite eHealth best practises. Regulatory governmental agencies should set a target to hospital based health care providers, as this already proved successful in the financing of mental healthcare in the Netherlands. I therefore propose the following agenda for further augmentation of eHealth in patient education in the hospital setting: 1. Setting a goal or % of hospital health care that is providing via eHealth (or blended solutions) 2. Define current practices in the hospital arena that benefits from substitution by eHealth 3. Provide relevant data in the fields of patient education (real-time, big data, RCT) 4. Allow several software developers to enter this market and compete to achieve lower costs 5. Keep eHealth active on the agenda of scientific GENERAL CONCLUSION Endoscopists should always strive to optimally prepare their patients before endoscopic procedures. This beholds careful selection of patients that truly will benefit from an endoscopy. 22 In this thesis, we have provided a set of outcome measures derived from extensive literature search that helps to identify factors that help the endoscopist to improve patient education. The concept of eHealth as the ultimate solution to the (often administrative) problems of health care today has been often challenged or even criticized. In close cooperation with eHealth entrepreneurs, we were able to develop a practical eHealth application in the field of endoscopy with good performance on endoscopy quality, patient reported measures and reducing costs. As a result, over 25 hospitals in the Netherlands today benefit from of this platform. (Figure 1.) 9