Govert Veldhuijzen

182 Chapter 9 Figure 1. Hospitals currently using the CBE platform in and outside of the Netherlands. In orange, the participating trial site of the E-PACO trial (logos on the right) But this success comes with several obligations. To continuously improve the CBE platform, our group has relied on external business partners. The upside is up-to-date knowledge of software solutions. But we as health care providers need to be aware that these partners have financial motives. These are crucial to keep their business and products viable on the market, but this sometimes collides with providing the most optimal product for all hospitals at all times. Nonetheless, we definitely owe to them that implementation was performed at this very high pace. In this thesis we also present the first positive experience of implementing eHealth during colonoscopy using virtual reality. The final project, validation of the GESQ in Dutch, helps endoscopy units in the Netherlands to measure this patient reported outcome in the future.