Govert Veldhuijzen

74 Chapter 4 endoscope back in the box and it is covered with a lid before the scope is taken away to disinfection.” After finishing, click Next . 3.3.18. Read the text on slide (15/21): Examination technique. After finishing, click Next. 3.3.19. Look at the automated 3D animation in the background, centring a polyp. Play the video on slide (16/21): Removing the polyp . The video voiceover will say: “Here you see the removal of a polyp from the large intestine. This is also called a polypectomy. The doctor will first inspect the polyp. A polyp is usually between 5 and 15 millimetres in diameter. Then the doctor will put a noose around the base of the polyp. This is pulled tight. Using the noose, the base of the polyp is continually heated, which cauterizes the base. The polyp is kept for further examination.” After finishing, click Next . 3.3.20. Play the video on slide (17/21): After the examination . The video voiceover will say: “After the examination we will take you back to the recovery room. You will be reconnected to the monitoring equipment. The nurse will keep an eye on this and will regularly check on how you are doing. During this period, blood pressure, pain and possible blood loss are monitored. You may have some abdominal pain after the procedure, namely cramping, due to the carbon dioxide gas which was blown into your large intestine during the examination. It is important to release the gas you feel and not to keep it in. When you are awake enough, you will be given something to eat and drink. The IV needle will be removed.” After finishing, click Next . 3.3.21. Play the video on slide (18/21): Examination report and follow-up appointment. The video voiceover will say: “When you have significantly recovered, your companion will be notified that you can be picked up. You can get dressed. When you leave, you will receive a letter from the doctor with the preliminary results of the examination and telephone numbers you can call if you experience any complications after the procedure. The referring physician or a nurse from your surgery will give you the definitive results of the examination and the results of the tissue biopsy.” After finishing, click Next . 3.3.22. Read the text on slide (19/21): Have a nice journey. After finishing, click Next. 3.3.23. Read the text on slide (20/21): Risks of the examination . After finishing, click Next. 3.3.24. Fill out the questionnaire on medical history and medication use on slide (21/21): Questionnaire & Informed consent . After finishing, click Send .