Govert Veldhuijzen

88 Chapter 5 Study procedure After enrolment in the trial, patients were either invited for a nurse counselling session or the CBE. The intervention group received an unique link (known in cybersecurity terms as hash) via e-mail that provided access to the web based platform. 11 In addition to the original software, patients had to complete an online questionnaire on medication use and their medical history. This form was returned via the secured tool to the endoscopy unit. An automated evaluation tool screened for potential risk factors to undergo colonoscopy. If no red flags (for instance, use of anticoagulant or antidiabetic drugs and severe cardiopulmonary condition) were noted, the patient was directly invited for colonoscopy. In other cases, patients were contacted by telephone or scheduled for an additional outpatient visit. This was also recorded. Each participating hospital’s CBE had tailored video’s and site specific instructions. The application outlook used video scripts and 3D animations were the same in all four sites. (Figure 1.) The CBE customized to the academic trial site is openly accessible via . Figure 1. An overview of the computer based education before colonoscopy used in this trial, illustrating all the steps in the patients’ journey. The lower right screen depicts the question - naire for pre-sedation risk assessment and written informed consent. This is adapted from the previously published study protocol, the persons depicted are actors.