Govert Veldhuijzen

Chapter 1 General introduction, summarizing history of patient education in endoscopy, aim and outline of the thesis 10
Chapter 2 Computer-assisted instruction before colonoscopy is as effective as nurse counselling, a clinical pilot trial 36
Chapter 3 Digitaal de patiënt voorbereiden op coloscopie - Ontwikkeling en invoer van een voorlichtingsapplicatie (chapter in Dutch) 50
Chapter 4 E-Patient Counselling trial (E-PACO): computer based education versus nurse counselling for patients to prepare for colonoscopy 62
Chapter 5 Computer based patient education is non-inferior to nurse counselling prior to colonoscopy, a multicenter randomized controlled trial 82
Chapter 6 Computer based education to prepare patients for colonoscopy is reducing operational costs of endoscopy units, with lower patient and societal expense 114
Chapter 7 Virtual reality distraction for patients to relieve pain and discomfort during colonoscopy 132
Chapter 8 The gastrointestinal endoscopy satisfaction questionnaire captures patient satisfaction as a key quality indicator of gastrointestinal endoscopy 148
Chapter 9 Discussion and future perspectives 168
Chapter 10 Nederlandse samenvatting 186
I Data stewardship statement 200
II List of publications 202
III List of presentations 203
IV List of awards / grants 204
V Curriculum Vitae 205