Jacky Luiten

Iodine seed ‐ versus wire ‐ guided localization in breast ‐ conserving surgery for non ‐ palpable DCIS | 89 6 Results A total of 169 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria for the study. Patients in the WGL group were diagnosed between March 2006 and November 2011, and those in the I ‐ 125 GL group from April 2010 to June 2013. DCIS was localized using the I ‐ 125 GL technique in 91 patients and by WGL in 78 patients. The mean age in the I ‐ 125 GL and WGL groups was 60 and 60 years respectively ( p =0.833; Table 6.1). In both groups, the majority of the DCIS lesions were diagnosed by screening mammography (74% in the I ‐ 125 group vs . 88% in the WGL group), and the majority presented as microcalcifications (93% and 95% respectively). Table 6.1 Baseline characteristics. Characteristic WGL ( n =78) I ‐ 125 ( n =91) p ‐ value Age (years)* 60 (9) 60 (8) 0.833 # Diameter DCIS (mm) a 16.54 (11.8) 19.17 (16.4) 0.100 # Mode of detection Screening program High risk screening Follow ‐ up after breast cancer Symptomatic + 69 (88) 1 (1) 6 (8) 2 (3) 67 (74) 8 (9) 9 (10) 7 (8) 0.048 Findings at mammography Microcalcifications Density or architectural distortion 74 (95) 4 (5) 85 (93) 6 (7) $ 0.232 Localization guidance Ultrasound Stereotactically 20 (26) 58 (74) 38 (42) 53 (58) 0.028 No. of seeds used 1 2 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 70 (77) 16 (18) 5 (5) Values in parentheses are percentages unless indicated otherwise. * values are mean (SD); + breast discomfort or nipple discharge; $ One patient was diagnosed by MRI; p ‐ values are chi ‐ square test, except # Mann ‐ Whitney U ‐ test. Surgery Fifteen surgeons carried out the operations, of whom six performed 142 (84.0%) of the procedures, 80 (88%) in the I ‐ 125 GL group and 62 (79%) in the WGL group ( p =0.136). The median duration of surgery was 40 min using the I ‐ 125 GL technique compared to 50 min with WGL ( p =0.723). The median volume of resected breast tissue was 53.53 cm 3 (1.26 ‐ 904.78) in the I ‐ 125 GL group and 47.00 cm 3 (0.52 ‐ 188.50) in the WGL group ( p =0.070). There was no seed migration or loss of seeds during or after resection. Dislocation or loss of the wire in the WGL group was not investigated.