Jacky Luiten

Chapter 1 Introduction and outline 7
Chapter 2 Trends in incidence and tumor grade in screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer 15
Chapter 3 Utility of diagnostic breast excision biopsies during two decades of screening mammography 33
Chapter 4 Trends in frequency and outcome of high-risk breast lesions at core needle biopsy in women recalled at biennial screening mammography, a multiinstitutional study 47
Chapter 5 Recall and outcome of screen-detected microcalcifications during two decades of mammography screening in the Netherlands national breast screening program 65
Chapter 6 Iodine seeds versus wire guided localization in breast conserving surgery for non‐palpable ductal carcinoma in situ 85
Chapter 7 Patterns of treatment and outcome of ductal carcinoma in situ in the Netherlands 95
Chapter 8 Summary and summary in Dutch – Nederlandse samenvatting 115
General discussion and future perspectives 127
Valorisation 143
List of publications 151
Curriculum Vitae 155
Acknowledgement - Dankwoord 159