Jos Jansen

160 Appendices Research data management The data that was collected during this thesis was in accordance with principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. All patients that provided samples used for the research in chapter 2 and 3 provided informed consent to their respective clinician. The patient data used for chapter 5 was anonymously provided to J.C. Jansen by participating authors. The research proposal for this study was presented to and approved by the medical and ethical review board Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects Region Arnhem Nijmegen, Nijmegen. The case number assigned was: 2018-5012. Published data generated or analyzed in this thesis are part of published articles and its additional files are available from the associated corresponding authors on reasonable request. Data for chapters 2, 3 and 5 was stored on a personal space within the network during the course of this thesis. After completion of the thesis, all data was transferred to the Gastroenterology Departments’ H-drive (H:\Onderzoekers\Jos Jansen). Exome sequencing files that were used for chapter 2 and 3 were analyzed with permission of the Department of Genetics of the RadboudUMC. Lab journals were registered, issued and stored by the Department of Translational Metabolic Laboratory of the RadboudUMC. The generated data was coded (JJYYMMDD.X) for traceability. Patient samples that were used in chapter 2,3 and 5 were taken from a general storage facility that was operated by technicians from the Translational Metabolic Laboratory of the RadboudUMC. The patient samples that were provided for the experiments described in chapter 5 were stored in the refrigerator in the Translational Metabolic Laboratory. All other samples, including Western Blots, were stored in the Laboratory of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology department. Based upon reasonable request, these samples can be provided by the technician concerned. Data will be stored for 15 years after termination of the study (May 1, 2016)