Martijn van Teffelen

Chapter 5 120 You can open your eyes again. You are here again. “[TAKE SOME TIME TO LET THE PARTICIPANT ACCOMMODATE] Phase 3: Intervention Part 3.1 Cognitive Restructuring THERAPIST: “Now we move on to the next phase, in which we search for evidence in support of and against the belief we’ve written down.” ✓ WHITEBOARD HEADER: EVIDENCE THERAPIST: “I would now like to brainstorm about the evidence you can think of that supports your belief. What shows that the belief is true? What is it that makes the belief feel true? Are there other things you have been through the make the evidence stronger? What does it say about the person when he/she behaves like that?” ✓ WHITEBOARD HEADER: COUNTER-EVIDENCE THERAPIST: “What shows that your thought is not true? Are there possible other events you have experienced that make the evidence weaker? What shows that your thought is possibly maybe not true? Do you have any experiences showing that the thought is not always true? Have you experienced something similar before, and if so, what have you learned from it that could possible help you?” Part 3.2: Identifying the helpful belief ✓ WHITEBOARD HEADER: HELPFUL BELIEF THERAPIST: “If you look at the evidence you’ve put forward, what would you conclude about your original thought? Could you think of an alternative, more helpful thought?” ! Formulate helpful belief in one concise sentence Part 3.3: Helpful image transformation THERAPIST: “I would now like to ask you to express this alternative, helpful belief [MENTION THE BELIEF] in an image, just like we did [MENTION THE PARTICIPANTS ANSWER DURING THE RATIONALE]. Now close your eyes… I want to ask you to visualize as detailed and vividly as possible what it would look like in a picture that [MENTION HELPFUL BELIEF]. I am not looking for a realistic image. The picture should adequately capture your feelings, not reality. Like a cartoon for example. Use as many details as possible.