Martijn van Teffelen

Appendix 190 PRESENTATIONS Broadcast L1 News. Maastricht, 2019. “Kort lontje”. Broadcast RTV Maastricht. Maastricht, 2019. “UM conducting research on short tempers”. VGCt najaarscongres. Veldhoven, 2019. “Treat the treatment: cognitieve herstructurering van vijandige gedachtes met imagery”. Oral presentation. MET ggz kennisdelingsdag. Roermond, 2019. Cognitive bias modification for hostile interpretation: A pilot study in personality disorder patients and non-patients. Oral presentation. Congres European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. Sofia, 2018. Cognitive bias modification for hostile interpretation: A pilot study in personality disorder patients and non patients. Poster presentation. Congres International Society of Research on Aggression. Parijs, 2018. Provoked aggression in the lab: Do psychopathic and narcissistic traits play a differential role? Poster presentation. FPN Research dag. Gronsveld, 2018. Provoked aggression in the lab: Do psychopathic and narcissistic traits play a differential role? Poster presentation. Lunchreferaat PsyQ/Mondriaan. Maastricht, 2017. Verminderen van woede met e-health. Oral presentation. Medewerkersnascholing Sensoor. Heerlen, 2017. Emotie en hulpverlening: Een GGZ perspectief. Oral presentation. VGCt najaarscongres. Veldhoven, 2016. Verminderen van woede met e-health. Oral presentation. Broadcast L1 avondgasten. Maastricht, 2016. “Meppen in het bos”. TV-debate. Research master graduation symposium. Maastricht, 2015. The impact of narcissistic and psychopathic traits on aggression after social exclusion or insult. Poster presentation. Psychology Student Conference. Maastricht, 2013. Fear to get near: personal space in individuals with psychopathic traits. Poster presentation.