Martijn van Teffelen

Chapter 2 30 was sent by e-mail. Then, information about demographic variables, use of psychotropic medication were obtained and the PID-5H, STAXI-2T, AQH and FOA were administered. After completion, participants were debriefed and received course credit or participated in a raffle with 347 times €7,50 worth of rewards. Statistical Analysis IBM SPSS and Amos version 24 were used for statistical analysis. First, descriptive statistics were calculated. Second, Spearman’s correlation analysis was run to examine baseline correlations between all multidimensional and unidimensional hostility measures. Then, the hierarchical structure of hostility was examined using the so-called ‘Bass-Ackwards’ method (Goldberg, 2006). Within the context of the examination of personality models, Goldberg (2006) provided a method of examining hierarchical structures in models with more than two levels. The approach allows for the examination of various hierarchical levels of specificity, from a broad construct to more fine-grained, lower-level facets that become more specific at each hierarchical level. Factor solutions were identified using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). First, one unrotated principal component was extracted, followed by the extraction of successively (i.e., two, three, etc.) more Varimax rotated principal components. Varimax rotation was opted following Goldberg (2006) because of optimal parsimony and to encourage factor markers that are maximally unrelated to each other. This was then repeated until one of the factors was either too specific to be interpreted (e.g., containing one item) or was no longer interpretable (e.g., by containing items that show hardly any content similarity). After each extraction, factor loadings were saved and correlated to compare relationships at each level. The identified principal components were then correlated with the raw scores of the questionnaires. RESULTS Means and standard deviations of study variables are shown in Table 1. All study variables were positively skewed (i.e., the value 0 is outside the +/- 2 * standard error interval of the skewness value). All scores resembled those of other studies using population samples (Ashton et al., 2017; De Fruyt et al., 2013; Hornsveld et al., 2009; Lievaart et al., 2016; Meesters et al., 1996; Verona et al., 2008). Univariate outlier inspection of study variables revealed no bimodality or consistent univariate outliers (following the 3 * interquartile range criterion), suggesting that the patients in the present sample did not form a data-cluster. First, Spearman’s correlations and Cronbach’s α ’s are shown in Table 2. These results suggest that the STAXI-2T, AQH, FOA and PID-5H are significantly positively interrelated. All correlations were large according to Cohen (1992) except for the relationship between the FOA and AQH, that was medium.