Martijn van Teffelen

Chapter 2 42 APPENDIX B Item content and loading for all rotated principal component solutions Item Instrument Content P1.1 P2.1 1 PID-5H I snap at people when they do little things that irritate me. 0.66 0.58 2 PID-5H I can be mean when I need to be. 0.59 0.47 3 PID-5H I am easily angered. 0.70 0.67 4 PID-5H I resent being told what to do. even by people in charge. 0.46 0.36 5 PID-5H I have a very short temper. 0.67 0.73 6 PID-5H I always make sure I get back at people who wrong me. 0.58 0.61 7 PID-5H I get irritated easily by all sorts of things. 0.70 0.63 8 PID-5H I am usually pretty hostile. 0.66 0.67 9 PID-5H It makes me really angry when people insult me in even a minor way. 0.65 0.63 10 PID-5H I am nasty and short to anybody who deserves it. 0.63 0.57 11 STAXI-2T I am quick tempered. 0.66 0.73 12 STAXI-2T I have a fiery temper. 0.66 0.69 13 STAXI-2T I am a hotheaded person. 0.66 0.67 14 STAXI-2T I get angry when slowed down by others’ mistakes. 0.66 0.58 15 STAXI-2T I feel annoyed when not given recognition for doing good work. 0.51 0.44 16 STAXI-2T I fly off the handle. 0.63 0.66 17 STAXI-2T I say nasty things when mad. 0.67 0.56 18 STAXI-2T I feel furious when criticized in front of others. 0.57 0.54 19 STAXI-2T I feel like hitting someone when frustrated. 0.52 0.61 20 STAXI-2T I feel infuriated when do a good job and get poor evaluation. 0.59 0.55 21 AQ-H I am suspicious of overly friendly strangers. 0.34 0.42 22 AQ-H I sometimes feel that people are laughing at me behind my back. 0.52 0.53 23 AQ-H I am sometimes eaten up with jealousy. 0.52 0.45 24 AQ-H Other people always seem to get the breaks. 0.48 0.61 25 AQ-H I know that “friends” talk about me behind my back. 0.41 0.38 26 AQ-H When people are especially nice to me. I wonder what they want. 0.47 0.55 27 AQ-H At times I feel I have gotten a raw deal out of life. 0.41 0.62 28 AQ-H I wonder why sometimes I feel so bitter about things. 0.59 0.69 29 FOA Start a fight 0.59 0.42 30 FOA Take my time doing things someone wants me to do 0.41 0.15 31 FOA Hit. kick. or push someone -0.35 -0.16 32 FOA Put someone down 0.65 0.36 33 FOA Say mean things to someone 0.70 0.45 34 FOA Tell my friends to stop liking someone -0.30 -0.03