Martijn van Teffelen

Chapter 4 96 APPENDIX A Gather evidence M2 anger VAS M4 POMS, hostility traits, anger VAS Negative image transformation Psycho-education Gather evidence Identify helpful cognition Helpful image transformation Identify helpful cognition Identifying hostile cognition Recalling details of the situation Imagery interview Imagery interview Thought diary Thought diary Recall situation I-CR CR AC Paraphrase Paraphrase Session 1 M0 POMS, QMI, hostility traits, Anger VAS M1 anger VAS, hostile belief, aggressive inclinations M3 anger VAS, hostile belief, helpful belief, Aggressive inclinations, SIP-AEQ, POMS, VDT Session 2 M5 anger VAS, hostile belief, helpful beleif, aggressive inclinations M6 anger VAS, hostile belief, aggression inclinations Study procedure Note . M0 = measurement 0; M1 = measurement 1 etc.