Mariken Stegmann

Symptoms of anxiety and depression The main symptoms of depression are continuous low mood or sadness and loss motivation or interest in things. These symptoms occur in almost all patients with a life ‐ threatening disease shortly after diagnosis as normal reaction to the bad news. However, in some patients these symptoms are more severe and/or are persistent. Prevalence’s are difficult to obtain because they depend strongly on the diagnostic instrument or screening questionnaire. A formal depression, diagnosed using the DSM criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) occurs in about 15% of all patients with cancer, 16 whereas depressive symptoms occur in about 30 ‐ 35% of all patients with cancer. 16,17 For patients in a palliative care setting, the same percentages apply. 13,16 Depressive symptoms for patients with cancer are often treated with supporting conversations. Cognitive therapy and antidepressant medication are sometimes used as well. 17 Feelings of anxiety are a normal reaction to a life ‐ threatening disease as well. Again, prevalence’s are difficult to obtain because they depend strongly on the diagnostic instrument or screening questionnaire. The prevalence of a formal anxiety disorder is about 10% for patients with cancer. 16 Symptoms of anxiety are however frequently present, a review in patients with incurable cancer showed a prevalence of 30%. 13 Symptoms of anxiety for patients with cancer are often treated with supporting conversations. Cognitive therapy and anti ‐ anxiolytic medication are sometimes used as well. 18 A 125 Epidemiology of frequent types of cancer and cancer symptoms