Mariken Stegmann

Table of contents  Chapter 1  General Introduction  7  Chapter 2  Study protocol for the OPTion randomised controlled trial on  the effect of prioritising treatment goals among older patients  with cancer in a palliative setting  17  Chapter 3  Using the Outcome Prioritisation Tool (OPT) to assess the  preferences of older patients in clinical decision‐making: a  review  29  Chapter 4  Prioritisation of treatment goals among older patients with non‐ curable cancer: the OPTion randomised controlled trial in Dutch  primary care  39  Chapter 5  Treatment goals and their changes over time of older patients  with non‐curable cancer  53  Chapter 6  Correspondence between primary and secondary care about  patients with cancer: A qualitative mixed‐methods analysis  65  Chapter 7  Correspondence between primary and secondary care about  patients with cancer: a Delphi consensus study  81  Chapter 8  Summary and General discussion  105  Appendices Epidemiology of frequent types of cancer and cancer symptoms 123  Research Institute SHARE  127  Nederlandse Samenvatting  129  Dankwoord  133  Publicatielijst  137  Curriculum Vitae  141