
23 General introduction and outline of the thesis PROGNOSIS Despite pharmacological interventions approximately 40% of children with FC referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist still has symptoms after 5 years and even after 10 years 20% of children suffers from FC symptoms. 33 In these patients, symptoms may persist into adolescence or even adulthood despite laxative treatment. 99–101 This underlines that there is still a need for better and more effective treatments of childhood FC. FNRFI often is a long-lasting problem and treatment can prove to be quite challenging. 22 After 2 years of intensive treatment in a tertiary center approximately 30% of FNRFI patients are cured. 20 Most recover before they reach adulthood; nevertheless at 18 years of age 15% will still struggle with fecal incontinence. 20 Regular follow-up visits are recommended to motivate children and their parents to adhere to treatment and to prevent relapses.