
237 Treatment adherence 11 TABLE 3. Correlation between BMQ subscales, B-IPQ questions, TSQM domain scores, SIMS total score and the MARS-5 (Spearman’s rank correlation test). MARS-5 Total score MARS-5 Intentional MARS-5 Unintentional BMQ-Necessity 0.100 ( P = .305) 0.092 ( P =.342) 0.047 ( P =.622) BMQ-Concerns -0.076 ( P =.430) -0.053 ( P =.582) -0.105 ( P =.270) BMQ-Harm -0.088 ( P =.358) -0.053 ( P =.580) -0.170 ( P =.070) BMQ-Overuse -0.079 ( P =.410) -0.042 ( P =.661) -0.142 ( P =.132) BMQ-differential 0.167 ( P =.086) 0.157 ( P =.106) 0.103 ( P =.284) B-IPQ1 consequences -0.049 ( P =.612) -0.015 ( P =.876) -0.115 ( P =.222) B-IPQ2 timeline -0.034 ( P =.725) -0.002 ( P =.987) -0.109 ( P =.249) B-IPQ3 personal control -0.058 ( P =.549) -0.055 ( P =.572) -0.018 ( P =.849) B-IPQ4 treatment control -0.136 ( P =.153) -0.142 ( P =.135) 0.019 ( P =.839) B-IPQ5 identity 0.074 ( P =.437) 0.095 ( P =.317) -0.028 ( P =.763) B-IPQ6 concerns -0.065 (P =.499) 0.012 (P =.903) -0.212 ( P =.023) B-IPQ7 comprehensibility -0.077 ( P =.422) -0.054 ( P =.572) -0.057 ( P =.544) B-IPQ8 emotions -0.192 ( P =.044) -0.148 ( P =.122) -0.147 ( P =.120) TSQM-effectiveness 0.054 ( P =.577) 0.029 ( P =.761) 0.091 ( P =.336) TSQM-side effects -0.116 ( P =.636) -0.044 ( P =.858) -0.245 ( P =.311) TSQM-convenience 0.342 ( P =.000) 0.295 ( P =.002) 0.338 ( P =.000) TSQM-satisfaction 0.258 ( P =.006) 0.212 ( P =.025) 0.199 ( P =.033) SIMS total -0.063 ( P =.523) -0.095 ( P =.335) 0.076 ( P =.434) BMQ, Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire; B-IPQ, Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire; TSQM, Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication; SIMS, Satisfaction with Information about Medicines Scale. Bold values indicate significant results ( P < .05). Regression model Table 4 lists the variables added to the regression model together with their respective regression coefficients, standardized regression coefficients, and standardized β. Cronbach alpha test results for the MARS-5 BMQ, TSQM and SIMS are provided in Supplemental file 3. In this hierarchical multivariate regression model, 22% of the variability of the MARS-5 score could be explained by the selected predictors. The TSQM convenience score contributed the most to the model (β 0.384, P = .000). The BMQ-necessity scale was excluded from the model due to correlation with the BMQ necessity-concerns differential.