
245 Treatment adherence 11 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE 2. Comparison between responses from parents and children (n=48). Parents Children P -value a MARS-5 total score 22 (20-23) 23 (20-24) .578 BMQ-Necessity 16 (13-19) 17 (15-18) .806 BMQ-Concerns 13 (9-16) 11 (9-14) .076 BMQ-Harm 9 (8-11) 8 (7-10.75) .925 BMQ-Overuse 10 (9-12) 11 (9-13) .004 BMQ-differential 3.5 (1-6) 5 (3-8) .079 B-IPQ1 consequences 8 (6-8) 7 (5-8) .000 B-IPQ2 timeline 7 (5.25-8) 7 (5-8) .361 B-IPQ3 personal control 5 (4-8) 5 (4-7) .421 B-IPQ4 treatment control 4 (2-5.75) 3 (2-5) .036 B-IPQ5 identity 7 (6-8) 6 (4-8) .038 B-IPQ6 concerns 7 (6-8) 5 (3-7) .001 B-IPQ7 comprehensibility 3 (2-5) 4 (2-5) .340 B-IPQ8 emotions 7 (5.25-8) 5 (3-8) .000 TSQM-effectiveness 48 (38-62) 57 (35-67) .508 TSQM-side effects 54 (34-75) 61 (45-68) .917 TSQM-convenience 71 (45-86) 67 (48-81) .163 TSQM-satisfaction 52 (43-67) 55 (43-71) .953 SIMS total 12 (9-15) 9 (7-13.75) .020 a Wilcoxon signed-rank test comparing responses from parents and their children. Bold values indicate significant results ( P < .05). SUPPLEMENTAL FILE 3. Cronhbach’s alpha results for MARS-5, BMQ, TSQM and SIMS. Crohbach’s alpha a MARS-5 .724 BMQ-Necessity .846 BMQ-Concerns .745 BMQ-Harm .768 BMQ-Overuse .743 TSQM-effectiveness .900 TSQM-side effects .847 TSQM-convenience .841 TSQM-satisfaction .772 SIMS total .846 a Cronbach’s alpha >.7 was considered acceptable internal consistency