
253 Pre-, pro- and synbiotics 12 TABLE 2. Study characteristics of RCTs on prebiotics. Significant results are bold. Author, year n (age) Diagnosis Intervention Comparison Duration Outcome Effect Adverse effects Loening- Baucke, 2004 31 (4-11 yrs) chronic FC(defined as a delay or difficulty in defecation, present for >2 weeks, and sufficient to cause significant distress to the child, for ≥6 months) glucomannan a + laxatives + toilet training placebo + laxatives + toilet training 8 weeks: crossover after 4 weeks 1. defecation frequency/week (mean±SD) 2. % <3 bowel movements/week 3. fecal incontinence/week (mean±SD) 4. % fecal incontinence 5. % abdominal pain 6. % treatment success(≥3 bowel movements per week and ≤1 fecal incontinence episode in the last 3 weeks with no abdominal pain) I:4.5±2.3 vs C:3.8±2.2 I:19% vs C:52% I:4.0±6.3 vs C:4.2±4.8 I:42% vs C:48% I:42% vs C:10% I:45% vs C:13% -no (serious) adverse effects Castillejo, 2006 48 (3-10 yrs) adult Rome II criteria cocoa husk b + toilet training placebo + toilet training 4 weeks 1. defecation frequency/week (mean±SD) 2. % improvement painful defecation I:6.1±3.4 vs C:5.1±2.1 I:67% vs C:46% -no difference adverse effects -no serious adverse effects Kokke, 2008 97 (1-12 yrs) ≥2 out of the following 4 criteria: stool frequency <3 times per week, fecal incontinence ≥2 times per week, periodic passage of large amounts of stool ≥ once every 7-30 days, or a palpable abdominal or rectal mass. fiber mixture c lactulose 13 weeks (8 weeks treatment) 1. defecation frequency (median) 2. % fecal incontinence 3. % abdominal pain (mean) I:7 vs C:6 I:21% vs C:9% I:1.5 vs C:1.4 -no serious adverse effects Üstündağ, 2010 61 (4-16 yrs) Rome III criteria PHGG d lactulose 4 weeks 1. defecation frequency (mean±SD) 2. % abdominal pain I:5.0±1.7 vs C:6.0±1.1 I:16% vs C:10% -no serious adverse effects