
254 Chapter 12 TABLE 2. (continued) Author, year n (age) Diagnosis Intervention Comparison Duration Outcome Effect Adverse effects Chmielewska, 2011 72 (3-16 yrs) Rome III criteria glucomannan e + toilet training placebo + toilet training 4 weeks 1. defecation frequency (median, IQR) 2. fecal incontinence (median, IQR) 3. painful defecation (median, IQR) 4. abdominal pain (median, IQR) 5. % treatment success(≥3 stools per week with no soiling) I:6 (3-8) vs C:4 (2-6.25) I:0 (0-1) vs C:0 (0-0) I:0 (0-1) vs C:0 (0-0) I: 0 (0-2) vs C: 0 (0-1) I:56% vs C:58% -1 adverse event (unrelated) -no difference adverse effects -no serious adverse effect Weber, 2014 54 (4-12 yrs) Rome III criterial; at inclusion all patients were asymptomatic (defecation frequency ≥ once every 2 days and no fecal incontinence or fecal impaction for ≥1 month). They were on low doses of laxatives. fiber mixture f + toilet training placebo + toilet training 4 weeks 1. defecation frequency/day (mean±SD) 2. defecation frequency improvement/day (mean±SD) 2. % treatment failure(hardened stools, defecation with pain or difficulty, a greater interval between evacuations compared with the previous day, the appearance of fecal incontinence and fecal impaction, or when the patient required an enema or a stool softener during the study period. Hardened stools were defined as Bristol Stool Scale 1-3) I:1.1±0.5 vs C: 0.9±0.3 I:+0.5±0.4 vs C:+0.2±0.4 I:35% vs C:36% -no serious adverse effects 1 33 children after exclusion of the placebo arm (<10 children) a glucomannan was given in capsules containing 500mg, patients received 100 mg/kg body weight daily (max 5 g/day) rounded to the nearest 500 mg. b a sachet of fiber supplement contained 4 g of cocoa husk and 1 g of betafructosans; children aged 3-6 years took 1 sachet before lunch and dinner, older children took 2 sachets before lunch and dinner. Parents were instructed to dissolve the sachet in 200mL of whole milk. c per 100mL the yoghurtdrink contained 3.0 g transgalacto-oligosaccharides, 3.0 g inulin, 1.6 g soy fiber, and 0.33 g resistant starch 3. Patients <15 kg received 125 mL daily, those weighing 15-20 kg 250 mL, and those >20 kg 375 mL. d PHGG was dosed as follows: 4-6 years: 3 g/day; 6-12 years: 4 g/day; and 12-16 years: 5 g/day. Co-intervention not similar in both groups: the group given PHGG was recommended to increase their fluid intake as well e patients received two sachets of 1.26 g. glucomannan a day (2.52 g/day). f fiber mixture contents: 10.5% fructooligosaccharides, 12.5% inulin, 24% gum arabic, 9% resistant starch, 33% soy polysaccharide, and 12% cellulose. Dosage was based on body weight: 3.8 g twice a day in children <18kg and 7.6 g for children >18 kg. Children received medication in chocolate milk. Abbreviations: FC, functional constipation; PHGG, partially hydrolyzed guar gum; ns, not significant; vs, versus