
271 Transanal irrigation 13 TABLE 2. Patient characteristics of children using Peristeen® Patient characteristics n (% of total) Frequency Peristeen® use Daily Every other day Every 3 days 1 time/week <1 time/week Other/varying frequency Stopped using Peristeen® 22 (33) 17 (25) 4 (6) 2 (3) 2 (3) 2 (3) 18 (27) Irrigation fluid Tap water Tap water + bisacodyl Tap water + PEG a Tap water + glycerine Tap water + laxative enema Saline Missing 52 (78) 9 (13) 2 (3) 2 (3) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) Concomitant medication No Yes - Oral laxatives - Enemas - Bisacodyl suppositories Missing 31 (46) 35 (52) 29 (83) b 8 (23) b 2 (6) b 1 (1) Duration of irrigation ≤30 min 30 – 60 min >60 min 29 (43) 34 (51) 4 (6) a PEG: polyethylene glycol b n (%) of the group using concomitant laxative medication When parents were asked to compare Peristeen® with previous treatment regimens, 72% reported that transanal irrigation was an improvement in the management of their child's symptoms, 24% reported it was neither better nor worse. The majority of parents (86%) reported that they were satisfied with Peristeen® as a treatment modality and 67% reported that they would continue using Peristeen® in the treatment of their child's symptoms. DISCUSSION The present study shows that Peristeen® can be a feasible and effective bowel management system for children with intractable FC. In a subset of children, fecal incontinence was treated successfully. The most common adverse effect of treatment was pain. Overall, parental satisfaction was high and no severe complications or side effects were reported.