
296 Chapter 14 10) I use colonic manometry in children with constipation for the following reason(s) ( check all that apply ): ¨ to assess disease severity ¨ to differentiate functional from organic forms of constipation ¨ to guide surgical decision-making ¨ to differentiate between neurogenic/myogenic dysmotility ¨ I never use colonic manometry ¨ not applicable/I don’t know ¨ other:__________________________________________________________________ 11) In the non-pharmacological treatment of children with functional constipation I use the following ( check all that apply ): ¨ bowel diary ¨ reward system ¨ toilet program ¨ dietary advice ¨ referral to psychology (e.g. behavioral therapy) ¨ biofeedback ¨ pre-/pro-/synbiotics ¨ transanal irrigation (e.g. Peristeen) ¨ not applicable/I don’t know ¨ other:__________________________________________________________________ PLEASE TURN PAGE 12) In the pharmacological treatment of children with functional constipation I routinely use the following ( check all that apply ): ¨ osmotic laxatives (e.g. PEG/lactulose) ¨ stimulant laxatives (e.g. bisacodyl/senna) ¨ lubricants (e.g. mineral oil) ¨ serotonergic drugs (e.g. prucalopride) ¨ prosecretory drugs (e.g. linaclotide/lubiprostone) ¨ enemas ¨ other:________________________________________________________________________ ¨ not applicable/I don’t know 13) I usually try the following treatments, before I consider surgery in children with functional constipation ( check all that apply ): ¨ osmotic laxatives ¨ stimulant laxatives ¨ novel laxatives (serotonergic/prosecretory agents) ¨ intensive cleanouts (transanal irrigation/regular enemas) ¨ I never consider surgery for functional constipation ¨ other:________________________________________________________________________ ¨ not applicable/I don’t know 14) In the surgical treatment of children with functional constipation over the past 5 years I used the following ( check all that apply ): ¨ anal botox injections ¨ anal sphincter myectomy ¨ anal dilatation ¨ antegrade continence enemas (ACE) ¨ sacral neurostimulation ¨ diverting ileostomy ¨ (segmental) colonic resection ¨ colostomy ¨ ileo-anal anastomosis ¨ other:________________________________________________________________________ ¨ not applicable/I don’t know 15) I consider anal botox injections in children with functional constipation and ( check all that apply ): ¨ severe symptoms, regardless of diagnostic assessment ¨ young age (<4 years), regardless of diagnostic assessment ¨ signs of outlet obstruction (e.g. markers in rectum during CTT) ¨ dyssynergia at anorectal manometry ¨ high resting pressure at anorectal manometry ¨ anal achalasia ¨ other:________________________________________________________________________ ¨ not applicable/I don’t know