
307 Outcomes of sacral nerve stimulation 15 actually reported a lower median GCBI (+31.25) than the four parents of children without urinary symptoms (+61.46). Ten of the 12 parents (83%) of children with urinary symptoms would proceed with SNS if given the opportunity to remake their decision, while all of the parents of children without urinary symptoms would proceed with SNS. Analysis of patients with functional constipation Sixteen of our 25 patients (64%) had functional constipation according to Rome III criteria (63% female, median age at SNS initiation 11 years, range 6-19 years). At the time of data collection, patients with functional constipation had been treated with SNS for a median of 2.5 years (IQR 2.1-2.7). At baseline, 11 patients (69%) had concurrent fecal incontinence, 12 patients (75%) had urinary incontinence, and one (6%) had urinary retention. Clinical symptoms and constipation treatment at baseline and follow-up for patients with functional constipation after SNS treatment are shown in Table 3. We found significant decreases in the presence of fecal incontinence, urinary incontinence, and abdominal pain at follow-up. The number of patients with functional constipation who were using oral laxatives and antegrade continence enemas decreased at follow-up, but these differences were not statistically significant. Ten of the 16 patients (63%) with functional constipation fulfilled our criteria for successful response at follow-up. Four of 16 patients (25%) fulfilled our criteria and were no longer receiving laxatives or ACE at follow-up. Four of 16 patients (25%) experienced complications requiring further surgery. TABLE 3: Clinical symptoms and constipation treatment at baseline and follow-up for patients with functional constipation after SNS treatment (n=16). Outcome Baseline Follow-up P -value Clinical symptoms, n (%) Defecation <3 times per week a 3/14 (21%) 3/14 (21%) 1.00 Fecal incontinence 11/16 (69%) 3/16 (19%) <.01 Urinary incontinence 13/16 (81%) 6/16 (38%) .01 Abdominal pain a 12/14 (86%) 6/14 (43%) .02 Constipation treatment, n (%) Using oral laxatives 11/16 (69%) 7/16 (44%) .15 Using antegrade continence enemas 6/16 (38%) 3/16 (19%) .24 a Baseline defecation frequency and abdominal pain was unavailable for two patients.