
313 Outcomes of sacral nerve stimulation 15 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE 1. Parent responses from all 16 participants when asked to explain their answers to our satisfaction questionnaire. Responses are followed by numbers corresponding to summary statements provided in Table 2. SNS was life-changing for our family. Washouts were difficult, prevented travel, would take one to one and a half hours to complete, and bowel movements could still occur in the middle of the night. (1, 5, 6) SNS helped with bowel symptoms. It works as long as he is compliant with medications. I would absolutely recommend SNS to others. (3) SNS helped symptoms. (3) He wanted SNS because he didn’t like his flushes. (1) SNS helped bladder symptoms, but there was no change in bowel symptoms. (7) Bladder now continent, but no bowel change. Bladder symptoms resolved and with very few side effects. Infection was an anomaly. Process took too long. (7, 8) Starting SNS was a long process but worth it. It’s great. (8) She expels the SNS device. She has had lots of complications. Her SNS has been removed. (10) Quality of life dramatically improved after SNS. Quick effect. ACE reversed. We have already recommended SNS to others. (1, 4, 6) Urinary problems are much better. Bowel problems are better after colon resection. Initially there was no difference after SNS and the search for the right settings took a long time. (7, 8) I’m not sure how much SNS has helped her. That being said, she has oppositional defiant disorder and will not take her medications a lot of the time. (9) SNS allows for hope of a normal life, unlike a cecostomy tube or colostomy. She has already recommended SNS to others. She was one of the first to have it done and spoke to others about it. (1, 4) SNS has been the only thing that has helped. We had been told her symptoms were a failure on our part as patients. She had tried bladder training and mineral oil, bisacodyl, and Miralax. She used to have bowel movements only with suppositories. We were told there would be a referral to Children's Services. She has had multiple invasive procedures previously. It has changed her life completely. She wishes she had gotten this before being tried on all these medicines. We would suggest this before going through so many different medications. (2, 3, 5) Before SNS, he had to be hospitalized every 4-6 weeks for NG tube cleanouts. (2) His medications and enemas have changed. Now, it's great. He was previously taking 5 mg of bisacodyl 8 times per day. The only downside of SNS is that he can't do deadlifts, which he says is probably not good for his body anyway. It feels as though his mood is better. He can eat better and keep weight on, and he no longer has to take as many medications. (2) She was still in pull-ups at age 7. Now she has full control of her bladder, day and night, although not her bowels. We have referred another patient. (4)