
371 Appendices Reviewing - Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology - The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology - Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition - Gastroenterology - Neurogastroenterology and Motility - Journal of Pediatrics - World Journal of Pediatrics - World Journal of Gastroenterology - Medical Principles and Practice 2015 2016 2016-2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 Other - Member of the Rome Foundation Working Team on Recommendations for Pharmacological Clinical Trials in Children with Functional Constipation 2017 1.0 2. Teaching Year Workload (Hours/ ECTS) Supervising - Bachelor thesis W. Tros: Outcome measures - Bachelor thesis S.L. Heckert: Outcome measures - Bachelor thesis C.A. Bromberg: ADHD and functional defecation disorders - Master research internship S.T. Hoogeboom: ADHD and functional defecation disorders - Bachelor thesis E.E.W. Kramer: Prevalence of functional defecation disorders - Master research internship R.W. Barendsen: Medication adherence - Master research internship E.A. Wassenaer: Medication adherence - Master research internship N. Noor: Ostomy complications 2014-2015 2014-2015 2014-2015 2014-2015 2016-2017 2016-2017 2017 2017 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Other - Guest lecture for nurses at OLVG West - Guest lecture for physicians at OLVG Oost 2016 2017 0.5 0.5 3. Parameters of Esteem Year Grants - KNAW Ter Meulen Beurs - ESPGHAN Charlotte Anderson Travel Award - NVGE travel grant 2015 2015 2017 Awards and Prizes - Winner AGA’s Poster Judging Competition, Digestive Disease Week - ESPGHAN Young Investigator Award - Poster of distinction, Digestive Disease Week - Recipient to participate in ANMS Young Investigator Forum - “Best Pitch”award, Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences 2015-2017 2015, 2017 2016 2017 2017