
374 De gehele vakgroep kinder-MDL, Marc, Merit, Michiel, Bart, Angelika, Tim, Frederiek en Marije, wat een fijn team zijn jullie, ik hoop nog vaak en lang met jullie samen te mogen werken. Merit, dank voor al je begeleiding bij de systematische reviews en voor het sparren over nieuwe onderzoeksideeën. Michiel en Bart, menig colonmanometriekatheter beschreven in hoofdstuk 7 werd door jullie vakkundig voorbij de flexura lienalis gelegd en geclipt, hartelijk dank daarvoor! A big thank you goes out to the entire NCH GI team, a warm family of poop aficionados that made me feel right at home far away from home. I would like to acknowledge some people in particular. Des, you are a truly inspiring person and I am very glad you will be able to make it to my defense. Your kindness, humor and creativity are admirable my friend. Miguel, your energy and enthusiasm are unsurpassed (as is the number of emails you can send per minute). You have provided me with ample opportunities to collaborate on an international level, the results of which can be found within this thesis, I am very grateful for that. Oh and your poop-related jokes never get old, please keep sending me those e-mails. Peter, my year in Cbus would not have been the same without you. Partners in crime, at the gym, at the Shoe, in the club, in the streets of Cleveland during the NBA Finals after the Cavs won game 6… name a place and we’ve been there. The memories are countless. Thanks Leslie, for lending him to me for a year, it was awesome to have you guys over and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Sylvia, my big sis on the 3 rd floor, I’ve always enjoyed our discussions about life and I’m glad we’re still in touch. Ross, despite making fun of everything Dutch or not from NewYork, you’re a cool guy. Kevin and Rob, St. Patrick’s day andWhite Castle, that’s all I’m saying. Kate, always in for a hike in Hocking Hills, soon we’ll be walking the canals, I’m looking forward to it. Steve and Meg, thanks for being ever so kind and friendly, not only to me, but to everyone around you. Tracey and P.J., thanks for introducing me to Cbus’ cocktail underworld and to Jell-O shots. MK, thanks for all your help setting me up when I had just arrived. Kent, thanks for yelling and laughing so loud. Dr. Erdman, the ribs, thank you for the ribs. And to everyone who ever brought something to Friday morning’s potluck breakfasts, thank you from the bottom of my belly. Dr. Levitt andDr.Wood, discussing the surgical approach of childrenwith severe constipation on Friday mornings was always very interesting and informative. Thank you for explaining the importance of anatomy. Dr. Thompson, dear Ben, thank you for all your time, effort and patience, schooling me to become NCH’s first pediatric-radiology-colonic-line-drawer. Our Australian colleagues, Phil and Luke, thank you for all your help and guidance with the colonic manometry studies. Our collaboration, albeit over a great distance, has been very fruitful so far and I hope to keep collaborating with both of you in the future.