
52 Chapter 1 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE 1. Protocol (incl. search strategy) Title: Prevalence of functional defecation disorders in children; a systematic review and meta-analysis Aims: (1) To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis on the epidemiology of functional constipation (FC) and functional nonretentive fecal incontinence (FNRFI) in children according to the pediatric Rome III and Rome IV criteria. (2) To evaluate geographical, age and sex distribution for both disorders and to report on factors associated with both disorders, such as socioeconomic, environmental, lifestyle and psychosocial factors. Inclusion criteria: (1) prospective and cross-sectional studies of population-based samples (e.g., birth cohorts, school samples or general population samples) (2) reporting the prevalence of FC and/or FNRFI according to the pediatric Rome III or IV criteria (3) in children 0-18 years of age (4) published in full manuscript form. Exclusion criteria: (1) Retrospective study designs (2) Organic causes of defecation disorders (3) Adult studies Search : in PUBMED, EMBASE and Cochrane library. PUBMED: ("Constipation"[Mesh] OR "Fecal Impaction"[Mesh] OR "Fecal Incontinence"[Mesh] OR "Encopresis"[Mesh] OR constipat*[tiab] OR obstipat*[tiab] OR coprostasis[tiab] OR soiling[tiab] OR encopresis[tiab] OR fecal incontin*[tiab] OR fecal impaction[tiab] OR faecal incontin*[tiab] OR faecal impaction[tiab] OR fnrfi[tiab] OR functional defecation disorder*[tiab] OR functional defaecation disorder*[tiab] OR functional gastrointestinal disorder*[tiab]) AND ("Child"[Mesh] OR "Child, Preschool"[Mesh] OR "Infant"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Newborn"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Low Birth Weight"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Postmature"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Premature"[Mesh] OR "Adolescent"[Mesh] OR "Pediatrics"[Mesh] OR child*[tiab] OR infan*[tiab] OR newborn*[tiab] OR neonat*[tiab] OR baby[tiab] OR babies[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR paediatric*[tiab] OR adoles*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] OR youth*[tiab] OR schoolchild*[tiab] OR preschool[tiab] OR pre-school[tiab] OR kid[tiab] OR kids[tiab] OR toddler*[tiab] OR juvenil*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] OR pubescen*[tiab] OR puber*[tiab] OR prepubert*[tiab] OR school age*[tiab] OR schoolage*[tiab] OR elementary school[tiab] OR high school*[tiab] OR highschool*[tiab] OR kindergar*[tiab] OR boy[tiab] OR boys[tiab] OR girl*[tiab] OR minors[tiab] OR underag*[tiab] OR under ag*[tiab]) AND ("Epidemiology"[Mesh] OR "Prevalence"[Mesh] OR "epidemiology" [Subheading] OR qpgs[tiab] OR rome III[tiab] OR rome iv[tiab] OR epidemiolog*[tiab] OR prevalen*[tiab]) EMBASE (Ovid) # Searches 1 *constipation/ or *feces impaction/ or *feces incontinence/ or (constipat* or obstipat* or coprostasis or soiling or encopresis or fecal incontin* or fecal impaction or faecal incontin* or faecal impaction or fnrfi or functional defecation disorder* or functional defaecation disorder* or functional gastrointestinal disorder*).ti,ab,kw. 2 child/ or preschool child/ or infant/ or newborn/ or exp low birth weight/ or postmaturity/ or prematurity/ or adolescent/ or exp pediatrics/ or (child* or infant* or infancy or newborn* or neonat* or baby or babies or preschool or pre school or pubescen* or teen* or adolescen* or puber* or prepubert* or juvenil* or p?ediatric* or youth* or schoolchild* or school age* or schoolage* or preschool or pre-school or elementary school or high school* or highschool* or kindergar* or boy or boys or girl* or minors or underag* or under ag* or kid or kids or toddler*).ti,ab,kw. 3 exp epidemiology/ or exp prevalence/ or epidemiology.fs . or (qpgs or rome III or rome iv or epidemiolog* or prevalen*). ti,ab,kw. 4 1 and 2 and 3