
TABLE OF CONTENTS General introduction and outline of the thesis 9 PART I EPIDEMIOLOGY Chapter 1 Prevalence of functional defecation disorders in children; a systematic review and meta-analysis 31 Chapter 2 Is there an association between functional constipation and excessive bodyweight in children? 61 Chapter 3 Functional defecation disorders and excessive body weight: a systematic review 73 Chapter 4 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and functional defecation disorders in children 97 PART II EVALUATION Chapter 5 Using the Bristol Stool Scale and parental report of stool consistency as part of the Rome III criteria for functional constipation in infants and toddlers 115 Chapter 6 The Brussels Infant and Toddler Stool Scale ('BITSS'): a study on inter-rater reliability 129 Chapter 7 Characterizing colonic motility in children with chronic intractable constipation: a look beyond high-amplitude propagating sequences 149 Chapter 8 Impaired postprandial colonic response in the presence of coordinated propagating colonic contractions suggests an extrinsic neuropathy in children and adolescents with intractable functional constipation 175 Chapter 9 Segmental colonic dilation is associated with premature termination of high-amplitude propagating contractions in children with intractable functional constipation 193