
PART III MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Chapter 10 Awareness and implementation of the 2014 ESPGHAN/ NASPGHAN guideline for childhood functional constipation 213 Chapter 11 Adherence to polyethylene glycol treatment in children with functional constipation is associated with parental illness perceptions, satisfaction with treatment and perceived treatment convenience 227 Chapter 12 Is there a role for pre-, pro- and synbiotics in the treatment of functional constipation in children? A systematic review 247 Chapter 13 Transanal irrigation in the treatment of children with intractable functional constipation 265 PART IV SURGICAL MANAGEMENT Chapter 14 Surgical decision-making in the management of children with intractable functional constipation: what are we doing and are we doing it right? 279 Chapter 15 Sacral nerve stimulation for constipation and fecal incontinence in children: long-term outcomes, patient benefit, and parent satisfaction 299 Chapter 16 Surgical management of children with intractable functional constipation; experience of a single tertiary children's hospital 315 Summary and discussion 335 Nederlandse samenvatting en discussie 347 Appendices Contributing authors List of publications PhD portfolio Dankwoord About the author 359 363 369 373 379