
81 Functional defecation disorders and overweight 3 TABLE 3. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in children with functional defecation disorders Study Country, setting Population (P) Controls (C) Definition FC and measurement n (%) FC n (%) FI Definition OW/OB and measurement n (%) OW n (%) OB Conclusion Comments Kaveh- manesh et al . 2013 Iran, prospective case control study in children admitted to the hospital Tertiary care center n=124 2-14 years ♂ : 52% Patients admitted with FC symptoms n=135 ♂ : 52% Patients in the same age group, without FC or weight/ height affecting disease Rome II criteria Assessed using self-developed questionnaire P: 124/124 (100%) C: n/a P: 31/124 (25%) C: n/a OW: BMI >85 th percentile OB: BMI> 95 th percentile Methods of anthropometric data collection not reported Not reported which reference values were used P: 41/124 (33%) C: 31/135 (23%) P: 22/124 (18%) C: 16/135 (12%) No significant difference in prevalence of OW/OB between children with/ without FC. Therefore, no clear association between OW/OB and FC. Teitelbaum et al . 2009 USA, prospective case control study at pediatric gastroenterology clinic (GI group) Tertiary care center n=757 2-20 years ♂ : 51% Patients referred to pediatric gastroenterologist (GI group) Control group 1: n=255, ♂ : 51% Healthy children without underlying chronic disease Control group 2: n=1,436 ♂ : 49%, High school students Rome III criteria Methods of data collection not reported P: 196/757 (26%) C: n/a P: 126/757 (17%) -FNRFI: 71/757 (9%) FC: 55/196 (28%) C1: n/a C2: n/a OW: BMI 85-95 th percentile OB: BMI ≥95 th percentile For the GI group and control group 1 weight and height were measured. For control group 2, weight and height were self- reported. Not reported which reference values were used P: 122/757 (16%) FC: 37/196 (19%) FI: 18/71 (25%) FC+FI: 14/55 (25%) C1: 32/255 (13%) C2: 221/1,436 (15%) P: 152/757 (20%) FC: 45/196 (23%) FI: 18/71 (25%) FC+FI: 15/55 (27%) C1: 21/255 (8%) C2: 163/1,436 (11%) High prevalence of OW and OB in patients with FDD OW in FC (19%) vs C1/ C2 (13%/15%): p-value 0.065/0.210 (ns/ns) OB in FC (23%) vs C1/ C2 (8%/11%): p-value <0.001*/<0.001* OW in FI (25%) vs C1/ C2 (13%/15%): p-value 0.008*/0.025* OB (25%) in FI vs C1/ C2 (8%/11%): p-value: <0.001*/<0.001* OW in FC+FI (25%) vs C1/ C2 (13%/15%): p-value 0.015*/0.045* OB in FC+FI (27%) vs C1/ C2 (8%/11%): p-value <0.001*/<0.001* Controls were matched for age and sex, actual age range not provided. This study included children >18 years of age but <21 years of age. However, the mean age was 9.6 ± 4.6 years. Wagner et al . 2015 Germany, prospective case control study at pediatric gastroenterology clinic Tertiary care center n=43 5-12 years, ♂ : 58% Patients referred for FI or UI n=44 5-12 years ♂ : 55% Children from local schools Rome III criteria All children received a physical examination and rectal ultrasound P: 20/43 (47%) C: n/a P: 17/43 (40%) -FNRFI: 3/43 (7%) FC: 14/20 (70%) C: n/a OW: BMI 85-95 th percentile OB: BMI ≥95 th percentile Weight and height measurements Standard data from the Center for Disease control and Prevention were used as reference P: 5/43 (12%) FC: n/a FI: 1/17 (6%) C: 6/44 (14%) P: 7/43 (17%) FC: n/a FI: 4/17 (24%) C: 0/44 (0%) Increased rate of OB (24%) in children with FI, versus controls (0%) C, control group; FI, fecal incontinence; NA, not applicable; NS, not significant; OB, obesity; OW, overweight; UI, urinary incontinence. * significant difference.