
92 Chapter 3 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE 1. Literature search strategy PubMed search on January 25 2016: 676 records ("Constipation"[Mesh] OR "Fecal Impaction"[Mesh] OR "Fecal Incontinence"[Mesh] OR "Defecation"[Mesh] OR "Gastrointestinal Transit"[Mesh]OR"GastrointestinalMotility"[Mesh]OR"Encopresis"[Mesh]ORconstipat*[tiab]ORobstipat*[tiab]ORcoprostasis[tiab] OR soiling[tiab] OR encopresis[tiab] OR defecati*[tiab] OR defaecati*[tiab] OR fecal incontin*[tiab] OR fecal impaction[tiab]) AND ("Child"[Mesh] OR "Child, Preschool"[Mesh] OR "Infant"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Newborn"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Low Birth Weight"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Postmature"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Premature"[Mesh] OR "Adolescent"[Mesh] OR "Pediatrics"[Mesh] OR child*[tiab] OR infan*[tiab] OR newborn*[tiab] OR neonat*[tiab] OR baby[tiab] OR babies[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR paediatric*[tiab] OR adoles*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] OR youth*[tiab] OR schoolchild*[tiab] OR preschool[tiab] OR pre-school[tiab] OR kid[tiab] OR kids[tiab] OR toddler*[tiab] OR juvenil*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] OR under*age* OR pubescen*[tiab] OR puber*[tiab] OR prepubert*[tiab] OR school age*[tiab] OR schoolage*[tiab] OR elementary school[tiab] OR high school*[tiab] OR highschool*[tiab] OR kindergar*[tiab] OR boy[tiab] OR boys[tiab] OR girl*[tiab] OR minor*[tiab] OR underag*[tiab] OR under ag*[tiab]) AND ("Obesity"[Mesh] OR "Pediatric Obesity"[Mesh] OR "Overnutrition"[Mesh] OR "Body Weight"[Mesh] OR "Overweight"[Mesh] OR "Body Mass Index"[Mesh] OR "Body Size"[Mesh] OR obes*[tiab] OR body mass index[tiab] OR BMI[tiab] OR overweigh*[tiab] OR body size*[tiab] OR body weigh*[tiab] OR overnutrit*[tiab]) Language restriction: English MEDLINE search (Ovid) on January 25 2016: 537 records 1 Constipation/ or fecal-impaction/ or fecal incontinence/ or defecation/ or gastrointestinal transit/ or gastrointestinal motility/ or encopresis/ 2 (constipat* or obstipat* or coprostasis or soiling or encopresis or def?ecati*).ti,ab,kw. 3 (f?ecal adj3 (incontin* or impaction)).ti,ab,kw. 4 1 or 2 or 3 5 child/ or child, preschool/ or infant/ or infant, newborn/ or infant, low birth weight/ or infant, postmature/ or infant, premature/ or adolescent/ or exp Pediatrics/ or (child* or infant* or infancy or newborn* or neonat* or baby or babies or preschool or pre school or pubescen* or teen* or adolescen* or puber* or prepubert* or juvenil* or p?ediatric* or youth* or schoolchild* or school age* or schoolage* or preschool or pre-school or elementary school or high school* or highschool* or kindergar* or boy or boys or girl* or underag* or under ag* or kid or kids or toddler*).ti,ab,kw. 6 exp obesity/ or pediatric obesity/ or overnutrition/ or exp body weight/ or overweight/ or body mass index/ or exp body size/ or (obes* or body mass index or BMI or overweigh* or body size* or body weigh* or overnutrit*).ti,ab,kw. 7 4 and 5 and 6 8 limit 7 to english language EMBASE search (Ovid) on January 25 2016: 1069 records 1 *constipation/ or defecation/ or feces incontinence/ or abnormal-feces/ or defecation-disorder/ or intestinal-dysmotility/ or painful-defecation/ or feces-impaction/ 2 (constipat* or obstipat* or coprostasis or soiling or encopresis or def?ecati*).ti,ab,kw. 3 (f?ecal adj3 (incontin* or impaction)).ti,ab,kw. 4 1 or 2 or 3 5 exp obesity/ or overnutrition/ or childhood obesity/ or exp body weight/ or body mass/ or body size/ or (obes* or body mass index or BMI or overweigh* or body size* or body weigh* or overnutrit*).ti,ab,kw.