Carl Westin

5-5 Method 99 5-5-4 Measurement scenario and designed conflict The manipulation of conformance required conflict repetition to assure validity of a participant’s conformal and nonconformal solution. Therefore, one measurement scenario, containing a specifically designed conflict was created. The scenario, shown in Figure 5-3, consisted of a hypothetical square en-route sector, 80 x 80 nmi in size with eight entry/exit waypoints. Although the sector represented a fu- turistic free route airspace (i.e., no intermittent waypoints), traffic mainly followed two parallel flows with one crossing. The scenario contained in total 27 aircraft, with between 19 and 22 always inside the sector. TWIN AKON MEMS HOOKS LANG DAMS GYRO RIVET Advisory agreement Neutral Agree Disagree Accept Reject 20 Time: Score: Run: 00:01:30 84.98% 1 / 5 QS1338 270 260 RIVET QS1338 270 260 RIVET PA5424 270 310 MEMS OM2514 270 200 RIVET WY8047 270 200 AKON MU2653 270 310 GYRO OM3185 270 260 GYRO DT4511 270 310 DAMS UG7514 270 320 GYRO ZS8580 270 310 TWIN NM3867 270 310 TWIN SM7071 270 310 RIVET NG8781 270 320 TWIN RA4743 270 300 RIVET SG3047 270 300 RIVET NA9895 270 310 AKON ZM9694 270 310 AKON PG4310 270 320 AKON AE1870 270 320 AKON OS2071 270 320 AKON YY7466 270 300 TWIN MA1538 270 310 TWIN F IGURE 5-3: Measurement scenario with designed conflict between QS1338 and OM3185. A resolution advisory for QS1338 is shown (as depicted by the HB SSD), suggesting a right turn and increase in speed (320 knots). The advisory dialog window (upper right corner) enables the controller to either accept or reject the advisory, but first after providing an agreement rating. Time to advisory expiration is shown in the bottom of the window (20 seconds). The remaining time of the scenario, current performance score, and scenario run out of total scenarios is shown in the upper left corner. Note that the aircraft depicted in lighter grey are off track and require a vector to their assigned exit point as indicated in the bottom field of the aircraft label.