Carl Westin

6-3 Towards a conflict solution framework 121 In addition, these methods are prone to hindsight biases. Possibly, conflict solution behavior can better be explained in a way not readily apparent to the controller, as reflected in naturalistic decision-making theories. To address these shortcomings, a framework was developed that allowed for a more objective and systematic analysis of controller strategies for conflict resolu- tion. The framework draws on resolution strategies identified in previous literature, in particular those suggested by Fothergill et al. 24 The final structure, however, was exploratory and iteratively derived through analysis of more than 500 conflicts so- lutions collected in real-time simulations. In the end, three strategy classifications were defined, which all depict solutions in a decision-tree hierarchy. Figure 6-1 illustrates the framework and the relationship between the three clas- sifications. Conflict solutions are defined by five decision stages (DSs) of progres- sive order of granularity. Because the three classifications define solutions differ- ently, reflecting contrasting preferences for problem-solving, the first high-level DS differs between classifications. Note that this exclusivity only is true for the first DS of each classification. The subsequent four DS reflect detailed solution preferences that are shared by all three classifications. Choice of aircraft to interact with repre- High-level decision stage Detailed decision stages Solution parameter hierarchy Control problem Solution geometry 1. Nr. of interactions 1. Control preference 1. Geometry preference 2. Aircraft choice 3. Resolution type 4. Direction 5. Directional value Aircraft interacted with. Heading (H); speed (S); or combination thereof (C). Heading right (R) or left (L); Speed increase (I) or decrease (D); Right or left increase (RI or LI), Right or left decrease (RD or LD). Deviation from original state value in degrees (heading) and knots (speed). F IGURE 6-1: Consistency classifications framework