Carl Westin

128 Consistency and agreement in conflict resolution interactions (1.6%) were disregarded from analysis as they did not appear to reflect a deliberate solution strategy, but more likely the result of a failed solution for which the participant tried to salvage the situation by re-solving the conflict. Similar variations were observed in Scenarios 2, 3, and 4 (see Appendix E for complete solution distributions). For Scenario 2, 32 different solutions were identi- fied across 63 recorded solutions. There was no unanimous preference for solving the conflict according to the first two DS, with both alternatives equally common. In Scenario 3, 27 different solutions were identified across 64 recorded solutions. In- teracting with both aircraft was most common (59.4%). In Scenario 4, 19 different solutions were identified. The two most frequent solutions accounted for 56.2% of all variation and consisted of either vectoring QS right (35.9%) or simultaneously increasing the speed and vector QS right (20.3%). Figure 6-4 shows the proportion of consistent participants per identified problem-solving style, for each scenario and DS. It shows the spread of problem- solving styles used, and which styles participants agreed on. All controllers were found to have consistently solved the designed conflict in at least one scenario. Only two controllers consistently solved the conflict in all scenarios. In regards to DS 1, single aircraft solutions were most common in Scenarios 1 (43.8%) and 4 (75.0%). In Scenario 2, participants were split between interacting with one or both aircraft. In contrast, the majority of participants solved Scenario 3 by interacting with both aircraft. Relative large groups of participants in Scenarios 1, 2, and 3 were found (a) Scenario 1 (b) Scenario 2 (c) Scenario 3 (d) Scenario 4 H Heading S Speed C Combined R Right L Left I Increase D Decrease Inc Inconsistent Consistency ratio Nr. of interactions (DS 1) Aircraft choice (DS 2) Resolution type (DS 3) Direction (DS 4) Cons Consistent = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Inc 43.8% Cons 56.3% One 43.8% Both 12.5% QS/OM 6.3% QS 25.0% H 6.3% C 6.3% C 6.3% R 6.3% RI 6.3% RI 6.3% Inc 37.5% Inc 37.5% Cons 62.5% Cons 62.5% One 37.5% Both 25.0% PA/RG 12.5% RG 6.3% One 12.5% Both 50.0% RG 6.3% SM 6.3% RG/SM 6.3% SM/RG 12.5% S 6.3% S/S 6.3% S/S 6.3% I/D 6.3% D/I 6.3% D 6.3% Inc 18.8% Cons 81.3% Both 6.3% One 75.0% QS 50.0% C 6.3% RI 6.3% H 25.0% R 25.0% F IGURE 6-4: Solution parameter hierarchy sunburst charts showing consistency and agreement, Study 1. Percentages indicate proportion of participants ( N = 16).