Carl Westin

138 Consistency and agreement in conflict resolution (a) Solution parameter hierarchy Trainees (c) Control problem Trainees (e) Solution geometry Trainees (b) Solution parameter hierarchy Experienced (d) Control problem Experienced (f) Solution geometry Experienced H Heading R Right Inc Inc Inc Inconsistent Inconsistent Inconsistent Consistency ratio Consistency ratio Consistency ratio Nr. of interactions (DS 1) Control preference (DS 1) Geometry preference (DS 1) Aircraft choice (DS 2) Aircraft choice (DS 2) Aircraft choice (DS 2) Resolution type (DS 3) Direction (DS 4) Cons Cons Cons Consistent Consistent Consistent = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = QS-OM OM-QS QS QS OM OM Inc 33.3% Inc 33.3% Cons 66.7% Cons 66.7% One 22.2% Both 44.4% OM 11,1% QS/OM 22.2% H 11,1% H/H 22.2% Inc 60.0% Cons 40.0% One 40.0% OM 20.0% H 20.0% R 20.0% In front 33.3% Behind 33.3% QS 11.1% OM 11.1% Cons 100.0% In front 20.0% Behind 80.0% QS 20.0% OM 20.0% Inc 44.4% Cons 55.6% QS-OM 55.6% QS ahead 11.1% OM behind 11.1% Inc 40.0% Cons 60.0% QS-OM 40.0% OM-QS 20.0% QS ahead 20.0% OM behind 20.0% F IGURE 6-10: Classification sunburst charts showing consistency and agreement, Study 2. Percentages indicate proportion of participants (Trainees N = 9, Experi- enced N = 5).