Carl Westin

186 Conformance design T ABLE A-1: Decoded solutions for controller A Scen. Rot. T-logs Aircraft ID Resolution type Scen. specific comments General observations H S C 1A 0 32 & 47 QS1338 & OM3185 L L Conflict not solved after first interac- tion, vector on the border. Solved af- ter second interaction. Tight vectors to no-go areas. No use of speed. 1B 0 53 OM3185 R 1C 180 63 OM3185 R 1D 180 51 OM3185 R Scen. = Scenario; Rot = Rotation; T-logs = Time logs; H = Heading; S = Speed; C = Combined; R = Right; L = Left; I = Increase; D = Decrease