Carl Westin

A-1 Introduction 191 T ABLE A-6: Conformal and nonconformal solution for controller A Conformance Aircraft ID Resolution type (direction) Description Conformal OM3185 Heading (right) Conformal solution consists of vectoring OM to the right Nonconformal QS1338 Combined (right increase) Nonconformal solution consists of giving QS a right vector with a speed increase. T ABLE A-7: Conformal and nonconformal solution for controller B Conformance Aircraft ID Resolution type (direction) Description Conformal QS1338 Combined (right increase) Giving QS a right vector with a speed increase. Nonconformal OM3185 Heading (right) Vectoring OM to the right, no speed change. olution advisories were defined as levels 1 or 2. The requirement was a match in aircraft choice, resolution type (e.g., heading), and resolution direction (e.g., right turn). Note that this represents a match of the first three steps in the solution pa- rameter framework. A nonconformal solution therefore always featured a different aircraft choice and/or resolution type and direction. In relation to the examples above, we can determine the conformal and non- conformal resolution advisories for controllers A and B. Table A-6 specifies the associated advisories for controller A. Similar to that controller’s problem-solving style, the conformal advisory suggests turning OM to the right. The nonconformal advisory is based on a colleagues contrasting problem-solving style for the same conflict, in this case controller B. As evident in Table A-7, controller B’s noncon- formal advisory is based on controller A’s problem-solving style. A-1-5 Limitations Intervention time was not included as a defining parameter in the conformance clas- sification. This decision, together with other aspects surrounding the presentation of advisories was motivated by the need for experimental control. The following rules apply: • Resolution advisories must be given early in each scenario to: (1) reduce the chance that controllers resolve the designed conflict before the resolution advisory appears, and (2) reduce the risk that controllers heavily influence