Carl Westin

194 Solution Space Diagram 000 20.0 36 33 03 GS400 TAS400 TRK MAG (a) SSD prototype with enhanced naviga- tion display 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 HOOKS RIVET PressStarttoResume InterceptRoute DirecttoRIVET DirecttoODALE DirecttoHOOKS Start Quit (b) SSD prototype with ATC radar display F IGURE B-1: SSD a) integrated with a navigation display (flight deck), 293 and b) as an extension to a radar display (ATC work station). 102 In Figure B-2(a) shows the conflict geometry in relative space. Aircraft A has been selected and is therefore designated the controlled aircraft. Aircraft B is con- sidered an intruder in conflict with the controlled aircraft. The circle around aircraft B is the separation minimum, or protected zone , which represents the threshold dis- tance required for safe separation (typically 5 nmi in en-route airspace). The grey area, or conflict zone illustrates how the SSD visualization is calculated by process- ing velocity plane information of both aircraft (i.e., V 1 , V 2 ). The aircraft are in con- flict. which is evident from the relative velocity vector ( V relative ) of the controlled aircraft A being within the triangle formed by the tangent lines of the protected zone surrounding the intruder aircraft B . The conflict zone area comprises all relative ve- locity vectors V relative that result in a loss of separation. In Figure B-2(b), the conflict geometry is considered in the absolute plane for the purpose of translating the aircraft’s relative conflict representation (based on V relative ) to the aircraft’s actual (i.e., absolute) velocity vector ( V 2 ). To avoid con- flict, the velocity vector of the controlled aircraft A V 2 must be outside of the tri- angular area. The three circles around the controlled aircraft A represents the tri- angle SSD. The dashed circle, intersecting with the velocity vector V 2 , represents the current speed of aircraft A . The inner and outer circles represent the aircraft’s maneuvering envelope in the horizontal plane (heading and speed). The visualized maneuver envelope provides an overview of all possible heading and speed options available to solve the conflict. The SSD presentation is derived from visualizing the conflict zone within the maneuvering envelope of the controlled aircraft A . Figure B-2(c) shows the result-