Carl Westin

198 Solution Space Diagram ! ! ! ! Highlight aircraft in conflict Suggest “best” solution Management by exception Information integration for selected aircraft Suggest solution options Management by consent Suggest safe area Radar display Autonomous execution EXECUTING! INTERVENE? DO YOU AGREE? Selected aircraft ADS-B Datalink communication Secondary surveillance radar Electronic flight strips Aircraft performance data Primary radar R/T communication Stage 1: Information acquisition Stage 2: Information analysis Stage 3: Decision selection Stage 4: Action implementation Levels of Automation Stages of Automation F IGURE B-4: The placement of the SSD in a matrix of levels and stages of automa- tion. B-5 Modified SSD Mercado Velasco’s ATC SSD prototype 102 was modified for purposes of using it in empirical simulations in this thesis. Modifications were based on feedback fol- lowing visits to the Irish Aviation Authority control centers in Dublin and Shannon (Ireland), encompassing observations and interviews. A simplified SSD was de- veloped in consultation with controllers working at these centers, better tailored to their specific workplace and needs. Among several comments, these were the most valuable: 1. Integrate the SSD with the radar plan view display as controllers do not like to switch between two separate displays. 2. Highlight all aircraft in conflict to support controllers in directing their atten- tion.