Carl Westin

208 Simulation Briefing Packages Velocity vector Aircraft plot Protected zone 5nmi in diamter Speed (history) dots Data label containing: call sign; altitude; speed; and exit point The data label in the example says: Call sign: Altitude: Speed: Exit point: RA4743 FL350 250 kts AKON RA4743 350 250 AKON F IGURE C-7: Aircraft plot. Rehearsal:. • Sector size is 80 x 80 nmi; • Screen updated at 1 second intervals; • Simulation runs a 2x real speed; • Vector line equals 30 seconds ahead in time; • Amber zone means a loss of separation will occur between in less than 1 minute; • Red zone means a loss of separation will occur in less than 30 seconds; and • A go-zone (no color) is always safe. C-2-3 Your tasks Like in the previous simulation your two main tasks are: 1) to resolve conflicts between aircraft, and 2) to clear aircraft to their respective sector Exit Point. Each task is considered to be equally important. C-2-4 Aural conflict warning alert From the previous simulation you will remember the conflict warning alert. A con- flict is defined as a loss of separation, and exists when aircraft are predicted to close within 5 nmi of one another. The conflict warning alert is triggered when the loss of separation occurs within 30 seconds . Simultaneously the plot and trajectory vector for each of the involved aircraft will turn red and you will hear an aural alert (“whoop”).