Carl Westin

C-2 Experiment briefing 209 C-2-5 Automation advisory A new feature in this simulation is a midterm strategic aid - the automated reso- lution advisory solution system (ASS) . The system will help you to identify and proactively avoid conflicts by suggesting vector commands. The resolution advi- sory will always precede a conflict warning alert. However, the conflict warning alert is prioritized over the automation advisory. As such there may be instances where no advisory is provided before the conflict warning is triggered. This occurs, for example, in instances where the time to a loss of conflict is too short to provide an advisory. When a conflict is detected by the automation advisory logic the following oc- curs (Figure C-8): • Advisory sound consisting of 4 chimes: “beep, beep, beep, beep” • Resolution advisory SSD display appears for aircraft to which the resolution advisory applies • Advisory window appears in upper right corner prompting you to accept or reject the resolution advisory. When a resolution advisory is shown all aircraft involved in the conflict will turn amber. You will not be able to interact with the aircraft involved in the advi- sory. You will, however, be able to interact with all other aircraft. First after the resolution advisory disappears (either by clicking ‘accept’ or ‘reject’) you will be able to interact with the aircraft involved in the advisory again. Resolution advisory SSD display. The resolution advisories consist of a change in heading, speed, or a combination of both. When a resolution advisory is given, the solution diagram of the affected aircraft is automatically shown. The resolution advisory is indicated by an orange vector line , an orange ring (with a diameter greater or less than the green ring), or a combination of both . In the example provide in Figure C-9, the resolution advisory is to increase the speed of RG3628 and to turn him slightly left. Advisory dialog. In the upper right corner of the display an advisory dialog ap- pear with an Advisory agreement rating scale (1-100 scale from disagree to agree), two buttons with ‘accept’ and ‘reject’, and a countdown timer set to 30 seconds. If you do not accept or reject, the advisory dialog will automatically close after 30 sec- onds. The advisory dialog allows you to either “Accept” of “Reject” the resolution advisory.