Carl Westin

210 Simulation Briefing Packages TWIN AKON MEMS HOOKS LANG DAMS GYRO RIVET Advisory agreement Neutral Agree Disagree Accept Reject 20 Time: Score: Run: 00:01:00 100.00% 3 / 10 SG3047 270 250 RIVET RA4743 270 250 AKON F IGURE C-8: MUFASA simulator screen with automation advisory. RG3628 290 340 MEMS F IGURE C-9: Resolution advisory SSD. Before accepting or rejecting the advisory we want you to consider how you feel about the advisory. You indicate to what extent you agree with the advisory, ranging from disagree to agree, by clicking somewhere on the associated scale. In order to be more precise when giving a rating you should click on the round selector and drag it to the desired value (if trying to click on a higher or lower value the round