Carl Westin

C-2 Experiment briefing 211 selector will jump in intervals of 10). Note that you have to rate your agreement with the advisory before being able to accept or reject the advisory. When the automated advisory appears you should carefully inspect the advi- sory before choosing to accept or reject it. The automation does not necessarily advise the most optimal resolution. You may want to solve the conflict otherwise. Advisory agreement Neutral Agree Disagree Accept Reject 11 F IGURE C-10: Advisory dialog. C-2-6 Workload/difficulty rating Like last week, you are asked to give a difficulty rating for that scenario. In order to be more precise when giving a rating you should click on the round selector and drag it to the desired value (if trying to click on a higher or lower value the round selector will jump in intervals of 10). Difficulty rating Very low Very high Submit F IGURE C-11: Difficulty rating dialog.